The weather forecasts often predicts rain when I plan things, please take note of that if you ever want me to plan something for you. With that said, the weather channel is normally wrong, and it usually turns out to be a beautiful day! And oh what a beautiful day it was on August 2, the day of Asher's memorial service.
One of the main reasons that we went back Maryland was to have a memorial service for our sweet Asher, a service that all our family would be able to attend. Asher was and always will be special to all of us and it was important for me that we were all able to celebrate him together.
I remember the night prior to the service, looking at my mom with tear filled eyes and saying how in the world am I going to be able to get through tomorrow? There has been several times over the past months that I said those same words and each time I came out a tad bit stronger. I have been carried, there is no way I have been able to endure all that has happened on my own; it is truly amazing to see God meet you right where you are, take your hand, and walk, drag, or carry you along.
The service started and I remember sitting there in the front row, looking at the pictures of my sweet boy on the table wondering if this was real life. I was feeling extremely numb and kind of like I was watching all of this unfold before my eyes.
With a box of tissues, my husband beside me, and all my family behind me, we celebrated and memorialized our sweet Asher. The service was beautiful beyond words, more perfect than I could have ever imagined. The sun was shining, the breeze was blowing, I felt such a peace during that service.
We sang songs, shared stories, and my wonderful Uncle Rich talked about how God uses trials for our good. He calls us to be faithful servants and to follow where He leads us. Asher has taken us all to a place we never imagined we would be. He has caused us to ask God why. He has forced us to come together as one. He has strengthened us. He has caused our faith to grow deeper. He has brought us to our knees. He has made us love more. And all that was part of God's perfect plan.
Asher was given his first lacrosse stick at the service and now it is hanging in Poppy's office on the wall of fame. This was a total surprise to me and I couldn't think of a better gift to give our little boy. We are a lacrosse loving family, in case you didn't know. We all played lacrosse, I don't think we had much of a choice, did we dad?
And ended it all with fellowship, laughter, and good ol' Maryland crabs!
I look back on that day and just smile, it was beautiful and touching and sad and happy all wrapped into one!