Check out all the cups, this means that all the kids are home! |
I have had a hard time putting my thoughts into words for this post. The past few days have been extremely sad, but extremely wonderful all at the same time. Bittersweet would be the perfect word to describe it. I would call myself a bit of a hot mess, but I think that is part of this whole process of moving far far away. Our little family was surrounded by all of our closest friends and family this past weekend and it was such a blessing! We laughed, cried, and shared lots of memories together! I have come to the conclusion that I have the best family in the world and I am going to miss them all like crazy!
Family Dinner, home cooking, one of the best parts of being home! |
Saying goodbye to everyone has been extremely hard. I grew up in the same house my entire life, went away to college, but was only 45 minutes away from home. When I got married and moved to Southern Maryland I was still only 2.5 hours from home. Now I am going to be a 13 hour plane ride away from what I will always call home. Talk about a huge change! Go big or go home, isn't that what people say? I am scared to death to be moving, but I am also excited for this chapter of our lives. What an emotional roller coaster this has been for me! This whole being a grown up thing sure is fun...not!
I am standing firm on the promise that if God puts something in our path, He will bring us through it! I am very much looking forward to what God has in store for us in Hawaii and I am trying to focus on all the good things to come and the new memories our family will make! And for lots and lots of visitors, it is Hawaii after all....come on people, start saving those pennies!
College Friends! |
My 3 favorite boys, with my favorite sister! |
We hit the road this morning and started our drive out west! We made it 5 minutes and Micah decided he wanted to go to the bathroom. So before we even made it on the interstate, we were already on the side of the road changing a diaper. I love that little stinker! Right now we are about an hour and a half away from our destination, the drive has been smooth sailing! South Bend, Indiana, here we come!
And for the record, I may have said that I threw the title to my husband's motorcycle away, but it has been located! It magically appeared among all the other important documents last night as we were packing for the millionth time!
Goodbye Mustang, we will see you in a few years! |
Thank you all for your prayers and words of encouragement, they mean the world to us! We love you all very much!
Grammy and Micah. Micah is trying out his beach hat for Hawaii. |
This absolutely melts my heart, I love these little boys so much! |
This here is my professional blog expert, I paid him big bucks to help me out :) |
Hitting the road again!
Our going away party cake, sweet! |
Awesome post my favorite little sister! Brought tears to my eyes and I am not they crying type. (that's twice in one week) I had such a wonderful week with you, Sammy Boy and little Micah! I am proud to be your middle big brother! Let God shine through your family out there in Hawaii.