Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Military Child

April is the month of the military child.  A month to celebrate sacrifice.  A month to celebrate strength.  A month to celebrate dedication.  A month to celebrate love.  A month to celebrate commitment.  A month to celebrate determination.  A month to recognize these sweet souls, both young and  old.  A month to celebrate what it truly means to be a military child.

I was not a military child.  I lived in the same house my entire life.  In fact, my parents still reside in that very same house.  I always wanted kids, but I never in a million years dreamed they would be military kids.  When I met my husband I was not too keen on the idea of a military man.  But...I loved him and we do crazy things when we fall in love.  I had no idea what the military life would be like, but I jumped right in and was ready to embrace the adventure ahead.  I knew it would be hard and boy it has been tough.  It has stretched us and pulled us and pushed us in so many ways.  Now all that to say, I had a choice when it came to the military life.  My sweet children, they didn't get a choice, they were just born into this wild and crazy adventure we are on.  And my how they have embraced it!

My little boy turns five this year.  In his short life, he has lived in Maryland, Hawaii, and now Japan.  That's two states and two totally different continents in barely five years!  He has been on an airplane too many times to count, if I had to guess I would say at least twenty times!  He has road tripped from Maryland to California visiting all the sites in between.  He's seen so much from volcanoes to the Grand Canyon to the Napali Coast to Mt. Fuji.  This kid has seen more in his little life than most will in an entire lifetime.  

Now you might think that I am bragging about all my child has done.  Not one bit, although I do think it is pretty awesome how well traveled our child is, there is a whole lot more to this post.  Military kids are just plain awesome.  Most do not realize all the sacrifices these kiddos make.  They give up time, so much time with their mommy or daddy.  So much of their life is spent without one of their parents around.  Micah's daddy has only been home for one of his birthdays, that means that he has spent a total of three birthdays without daddy home!  My daughter was born without her daddy being there to say hello to her when she entered the world.  I could give a million other examples of things missed, but I trust you get the idea.  These kids say goodbye to people they love on a regular basis.  They cry for mommy or daddy to be home.  They know what is coming when daddy is packing up his bags.  They don't mind being woken up in the middle of the night because it is time to go pick up daddy.  They live for FaceTime calls with family.  They have to say goodbye to their best friends.  They know that their daddy or mommy is a hero because they serve in the military.  They know how special our time together as a family is.  They live for that moment when daddy walks in the door after a long day at work.  And they savor that feeling of daddy being home again.

On the average, us military folks move every two to three years.  And with a move comes so much change.  

You change schools.

You change friends.

You change houses.

You change bases.

You change churches.

You change weather.

You change routines.

You change schedules.

You change communities.

You change neighborhoods.

You change sceneries.

You change extracurricular activities.

You are basically starting a completely new life every couple of years.  And that is a whole lot of change for a child to endure!  That in itself speaks volumes of these precious military children.  They are resilient and keep on keeping on.  I am blessed to have two pretty amazing military kids!

A lot of people think the military lifestyle is not good for kids.  People believe it's bad because there is no consistency.  You settle in and then you move away.  You settle in and then you move away.  You settle in and then you move away.  It is ever changing, kids need structure.  Mommy or daddy is always coming and going.  You are constantly on the go and having to leave and make new friends.  They believe that it is tough on the kids.  Please do not get me wrong, it is tough on the kids, but it has so many wonderful benefits.  

My kids crave adventure and exploring and trying new things.  They wake up and often ask, "what adventure are we going on today?"  I love that!  I love their zest for life.  I love that they see our life as one big adventure.  My children are world travelers.  They get to meet so many new people along the way.  My children are able to pull stuff from every place we have lived.  They are well rounded and well experienced.  They have seen the world.  Every new place brings new lessons and new experiences and a whole new culture to learn.  They understand language and know that we don't all speak the same language.  But despite that, we can still all play together at the park and have a blast.  They understand how big this world is and how much there is to see and do.  They understand that moving means saying goodbye, but with that comes a new place to explore!  They understand how to live life to the fullest.  They thrive.  And they have these amazing real life, real world experiences  to carry with them forever.

My life is surrounded by the faces of military kids.  And each one of them is special and deserves to be celebrated this month, and every month of the year.  




Sunday, March 5, 2017

For He is Good

Hawaii was our place.  It felt like home.  We found our people there.  We raised the wildest little boy there on those white sandy beaches.  We walked through the dark and scary unknown there.  We got to witness a real taste of heaven there.  We said hello and goodbye to the sweetest red haired little boy there.  We found redemption and hope there.  We found peace and joy in the midst of pain there.  We learned to live after such immense loss there.  We spread our sweet boy's ashes on those beautiful white sandy beaches.  We found a new perspective on life there.  We learned how faithful our God is there.  We added the sweetest little rainbow baby to our family there.  We learned that this life is messy, but oh so meaningful.  We learned that we are better together.

Hawaii truly has my heart.  It was so easy to see and feel the presence of God there.  The mountains, the water, the beaches, the flowers, the palm trees swaying, everything, it is all beautiful.  And you can clearly see that it was all made in the image of God, absolutely breathtaking.

For me, leaving Hawaii felt like I was leaving Asher.  I carried him in my belly there and I feared that leaving the island meant I was leaving him.  Everyone there knew Asher and knew our story.  If we moved to Japan, would everyone forget him?  Would his story live on?  Would he still be with us when we moved to Japan?  I truly didn't know.

Just before we went to the airport I was pretty emotional about this.  It was hard to fathom that we were actually leaving with a one way ticket to Japan.  Then I peeked at my phone and had this text message from a dear friend.  It was her telling me that she missed Asher and she will never forget him.  It was her telling me that Asher touched her life in a mighty way.  She promised me that that little boy lived on in so many people's hearts on this tiny island and that he would never be forgotten.  This was just what this mama's heart needed.

So here we are, 4 months after leaving Hawaii.  This week, every single day, I shared Asher's story.  For one reason or another, he popped up in conversation and I was able to share how he changed our life.  I was able to share how God worked in us and continues to use Asher, even years later.  When people see us and they know our story, I feel like they know our true family.  Not the family of, oh they have a boy and a girl, how perfect.  They know our hearts and they know our pain.  They know that Jesus has carried us and without a doubt got us to where we are today.  I am so thankful for these opportunities to share Asher and his life with new people.  His story will always be my favorite.

I will sing the Lord's praise, for he has been good to me.  Psalm 13:6

Anyways, all that to say, I have found that Asher will always be with us.  Everywhere that we go, he comes with us.  Hawaii will always remind me of him, but I think of him just as much over here in Japan.  God is faithful, my fear of moving away, He totally answered it and is using Asher in a pretty amazing way out here in Japan.

Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land.  For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.  Genesis 28:15

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


2016 has officially come to a close.  It was a year of growth.  A year of redemption.  A year filled with a lot of restoration.  A year of adventures.  A year of togetherness.  A year of hope.  A year that warmed my heart.  A year of some pretty awesome travel.  A year of the best memories.  A year that had its ups and downs.  A year that we spent with two kids with us and one in heaven.  A year of goodness.  A year of failing, but getting back up to try again.  A year of doing this parenting gig, somedays we failed miserably and others we are on top of the world!  A year spent in beautiful Hawaii nei.  A year of change because military life.  A year of gratefulness and thankfulness.  A year filled with love.  A year spent with friends who I consider my family.  A year that ended with a big move and the start of another new adventure.  A year of so many celebrations.  A year that I can look back on and say, look how far we have come.   2 years ago our world came crashing down on us, and here we are, 2 years later, thriving, and learning to find joy in all the things.  Learning to live this life here now because we are not promised tomorrow.  Learning to walk with Asher in our heart, always.

And just like that, the year is over.  2017 has come in and it is barreling like a freight train, at least for me it is!  I am still trying to fathom that idea that it is 2017 and 2017 has me like a deer in the headlights so far.  I just can't get my feet on the ground.  Last night after the kids were sound asleep, I was sitting on the couch and had a pour it all out moment with my husband.  I feel like life is just zooming by day after day and I can't keep up with it.  I feel like I am always 100 steps behind and it feels so exhausting.  My to do list is piled to the ceiling and then my house is filled with toys, toys everywhere except in that cute little playroom we created for the kids.  And the laundry needs done and Micah needs new toothpaste for school because the one I sent was too spicy.  And the laundry, oh the laundry.  And butts need wiped.  And food needs to be shopped for and dinner needs to be made.  And besides all of that boring stuff, I have these super awesome dreams and goals and things I would like to achieve for myself.  But I just feel like I am swimming and can't get a grip on any of it lately.

So, after that little pity party, I decided my word for the year needs to be grace.  Already today, I have said that word over and over in my head many times (it's only 10am!).  It seems like the absolute perfect word for my heart and for this crazy stage of life I am currently in.

Grace in all aspects of my life, grace that I am not the perfect mom.  Grace that I most certainly do not have it all together.  Grace that somedays my house is just going to be a toy ridden battlefield.  Grace that it is okay to ask for help.  Grace that I can rest in the midst of this chaos.  Grace that I forgot to send thank you notes.  Grace that I still haven't printed those pictures or created that baby album for Micah (he just turned 4).  Grace that I am going to overreact at something my child does.  Grace that the laundry is piling up and the sink is filled with dishes.  Grace that there is spilled milk all over the floor.  Grace that life is moving too fast and I want it to slow down.  Grace that my patience is lacking.  Grace that this overseas move has been really hard on my heart.  Grace in those moments where I feel like I am failing and I am just not good enough.  Grace that my to do list is taller than I am.  Grace that I don't remember the last time I washed the sheets.  Grace that sometimes it all just feels like such a heavy weight. Grace that this life thing is tough stuff.  Grace upon grace upon grace upon grace.  And repeat, grace upon grace upon grace upon grace.

When something tough happens, it is so easy to need God.  It is so easy to get on your knees and pour out your heart to him.  But in the day to day struggles of life and parenting, I tend to forget that I need God just as much in these moments too.  This day to day stuff is tough business.  Raising children and doing life is harder than I ever imagined.  God cares about that and He wants and He needs to be at the heart of it.

I am committed to resting in His grace daily.  These burdens are too heavy to carry on my own.  I am going to cast my burdens on Him, the one who knows my heart.  The one who knows my struggles right now.  The one who I can rest in and the one who will fulfill me.  The one who will fill my cup so that I can be the best mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend that I can be.  The one who freely gives us grace, so much grace that we most certainly do not deserve.

This grace is for all of us, so my friends, give yourself some grace today.  Rest in the fact that we serve a God who has got it all covered.  A God that knows your heart and knows just how you are feeling.  A God who knows and will freely give you grace at all times.  So take a little grace today and be okay with not having it all together.

Photo Credit:  Annie Groves Photography
Grace upon grace upon grace upon grace.