Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hawaii Life

It has been a while since I have gotten on here, I am hoping that once we are settled in, I will be able to write more often.  Not sure what I am going to write about, so I guess I will keep you all on your toes!  Life here in Hawaii is absolutely wonderful!  Our car is finally here, so now all of our stuff is officially on island and in our possession!  I do not know how anyone could not enjoy living here.  The weather is perfect and the scenery is beautiful!  I cannot believe that I can wake up every morning and see the ocean out my window.  I always said I wanted to live by the beach...dreams do come true!  Anyways, our house is really starting to take shape and look like a home.  No pictures just yet because it is not completely finished!  Soon though it will be, I hope!  Sam went in to work late today because he is flying tonight and I made him rearrange the downstairs because I wasn't liking it!  Needless to say, I don't think he was liking me by the end of it!  Probably wishing he was at work!

This morning I got this text from my mom that said, "You will NEVER find someone who loves, prays, cares, and WORRIES about you more than I do!"  I don't think I ever understood how much my mom really cared about me until I had my own son.  I have spent a lot of today thinking about that and how blessed I am to have such a wonderful mom as a role model.  And then that got me thinking that one day this little boy is going to be a grown man, I pray that he will know how much his mommy loves him.

Speaking of Micah growing up, it is happening way too fast!  I would like to push the pause button, or maybe the rewind button.  I am overjoyed that he is learning all of these new things, but at the same time it is breaking my heart that he is getting bigger and not this itty bitty baby anymore.  He is almost 5 months old!!!  Just in the past week, he has learned how to roll from his back to the front, so now he is a rolling machine.  I put him down on his play mat, and next thing I know he is all the way on the other side.  It is so much fun watching him explore and learn new things.  I so wish I could hear the thoughts inside of his head.  How cool would it be to explore the world for the first time?  I can see in his eyes how curious he is and how much he takes everything in when we go places.  Today I just sat back and watched him play, it is pretty amazing how smart babies are!  I am soaking up everything this little boy does because I know he won't be this age forever!  This little boy has totally changed our world, being a mommy is such a precious gift.

Lesson Learned this week:  Beets are not supposed to be sitting out on your counter prior to using them.  They turn quite soft and I can't imagine they would taste very good!  Supposedly they need to be stored in a dark, cool space.  Guess I should check this out from now on!  Never had beets, was going to be brave and try some new stuff this week, but that didn't happen!  We get a box of organic fruits and veggies every week, so it is forcing us to try veggies we would not normally buy!

Hi There!

Aren't I cute?  Hanging out at a cookout with friends from church

Action shot!

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