Happy Mother's Day! I am so blessed to know so many wonderful mommies and so many wonderful women who have all influenced me in one way or another. This mommy business sure is challenging and it is so comforting knowing we are not alone when it comes to raising our children. I am thankful for each of you who I know I can always count on to give me real advice when it comes to being the best mommy I can be.
Anyways, on a side note, I feel it is necessary to talk about all the stuff no one really wants to talk about. Mother's Day is hard for a lot of people, me being one of those people today. I know that today may very well be the only Mother's Day I get to physically spend with my sweet little Asher and it breaks my heart thinking that. I am beyond thankful and blessed that I get to spend this day with Asher kicking in my belly and Micah on my lap (for a second because he is the energizer bunny). I know there are many many many many many people in my shoes and today I am praying for each and every one of you. You are all so special to me.
I always thought that getting pregnant was simple and easy and that being pregnant was a breeze. Maybe a little oblivious to all the struggles people have and things that can really go wrong. Over the past few months, I have heard story after story of people struggling. Some women struggling to have children of their own, others who have miscarried, others who have had long and painful labors, others with severe complications after delivery, others who have lost their own child, and I could go on and on. All of you are amazing and I admire you so much. You each have sacrificed so much to be where you are today and that says a lot about all of you. Your stories, your hearts, your journeys have all been an encouragement to me over the past few months. We so easily put all of this messy stuff to the back burner and think that mother's day is such a happy day for everyone. I get it, I know that it is a hard day for so many people and brings on so many emotions of hurt, anger, grief, and just plain confusion. I am praying for each of you today, God has you right where you are in this very moment for a specific reason. Hold tight to him and He will see you through. I pray that you will feel his loving arms wrapped around you today and every day. I pray that beauty will come of the trials you are walking through. Thank you for being who you are and for being a mother to so many people, whether they are your own children or not.
Please hug your sweet babies extra tight today, they are truly a blessing!
This mommy business sure is hard stuff! I know I appreciate my own mom more and more every single day. On those days where I feel so exhausted from scooping Micah off the table for the millionth time. On those days where Micah cuddles up beside me and gives me the biggest hug. On those days where Micah is throwing every bit of his dinner all over the floor and walls. On those days where Micah's giggle brings the biggest smile to my face. On those days where I feel like my heart is so full with love. On those days where I don't know how I will make is through. On those days where I wonder what we ever did without our children. On those days where I wonder how Micah and Asher can bring us so much joy and happiness. On those days where I worry about if I am being a good enough mom and if I am doing enough for Micah. On those days where I worry about Asher and what will happen to him. On those days where I feel like super mom.
Thank you mom for being my best friend and the best role model of a mother. I know that every silly struggle, every smile, every laugh that my children bring me, you too have experienced in the same way. Thank you for loving me as much as you do, like only a mother can. I can now say that I honestly understand that type of love. Thank you for always being there and always supporting me. Thank you for standing beside me and walking this journey with me in the hardest days of my life. You are such a blessing to me and to Micah and Asher, we are beyond grateful to call you mom and Grammy!
Grammy and Micah |
Mother's Day 2013 |
Mother and daughter :) |
Sweet moments with Grammy |
So blessed I get to be this little boy's mommy |
My favorite picture ever! |
Hanging at Grammy and Poppys last summer
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